I believe anyone can and should train like an athlete! …
As Dr. George Sheehan once said; "we are all athletes, the difference is that some of us are in training and some of us are not!"(1) Anyone who is serious about their health and fitness and has the willingness and patience to train smart can plan for optimal results, long term impact and peak performance. The point here is, if you are training to get results then you should be training like an athlete. The top athletes know that training hard is important but not "all important". There is a fine line between training hard and over-doing it. Knowing how much is too much can make the difference between optimal results and negative or no impact.
For example, NASA experts recognize that no matter how advanced the technology, their vehicles in space will always be in need of an adjustment. As a matter of fact, if left unto themselves, they won't stay on target. The most critical aspect is what these experts call the "attitude" of the vehicle (2). Peak performers are not any different. They consistently need to be willing to make adjustments to stay on target. It is the reality of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and it is at work in all of us...we will breakdown and sometimes at an accelerated rate unless we can "tweak" the system a bit. Sophisticated cardio-metabolic and functional strength testing encourages exercisers to make those critical adjustments in the "attitude" of their training.
Below is a list of some common traits among elite endurance athletes:
•athletes have a long term vision that is in focus
•athletes train in systematic and periodized phases to ensure optimal recovery and energy management
•athletes are constantly training their technique
•athletes work toward a consistent overall healthier lifestyles (diet, stress,etc.)
•athletes get immediate intervention when injured
•athletes need a strong sense of commitment & teamwork
•athletes are constantly re-evaluating and testing outcomes from training
Note that most of these traits can actually be integrated into your program and they won't require extreme time commitments or over-whelming intensities. Find out how to train more like an athlete by scheduling a Fitness Evaluation today. You can reach us at (760) 634-5169 or email kjnico@fitstop-lab.com .
1. Former runner, MD, and author who was referred to as "the running guru"
2. Adapted from a quote by Tim Hansel in his book "Holy Sweat"