Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Steps to Ideal Body Weight

Maintaining a healthy energy balance is critical to the success of your eating program. To lose 1 pound you will need to create a negative caloric balance of 3500 calories. To maintain or increase your lean mass as you lose weight you will need to increase your exercise while avoiding more than a 3,500 – 7,000 calorie deficit each week (500-1000 calories per day). Losing more than 1-2 lbs in any given week will cause losses in significant amounts of your lean mass (i.e., muscle weight) along with the body fat loss. Here are 10 steps to optimal weight management:

  1. Keep a food & activity log. If your goal is weight loss, it’s important to get a realistic picture of how much and which foods you are eating. You may be underestimating or overestimating food intake. Write down or input online everything you eat and drink for a week or two. Then examine the log to see what changes you need to make to eat healthier. If you are      using the Training Peaks platform already then you may want to download the TP app on your smart phone or ipad. This app can make the process of logging and tracking your energy balance much easier.  Another app option is the Lose It app which works very well and is a free download. 
-         For the TP app go to
-         For the Lose it app go to

  1. Stock up on fruits and vegetables. These foods are naturally low in fat and a great source of fiber. Because fiber creates a feeling of fullness without adding calories, you’ll eat less and get a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  2. Consume Healthy Dairy Products. Low fat milk products are a great source of protein and calcium. This is critical for bone health, so unless you are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products, eat low-fat or non-fat diary products daily.
  3. Choose Low-Fat Meats. If you include red meat in your diet, make sure you select lean cuts such as sirloin or round and ensure they are trimmed of excess fat. If you eat poultry, choose white meat without the skin. Use low-fat cooking methods such as grilling, broiling or baking versus deep frying. Try to include fish as a regular source of protein.
  4. Eat Healthy Fats. Avoid foods that are high in trans fatty acids and partially hydrogenated oils, found in margarines and many processed foods.  Minimize butter and fried foods.
  5. Control Portion Sizes. If you are eating too much you should begin by reducing portion sizes.      Serve meals in smaller dishes such as dinner off the smaller lunch plate (10 inches or less), pasta in the smaller cereal bowl and salad in the larger pasta bowl.  For more information see portion control recommendations.
  6. Eat Several Small Meals Daily. Another strategy is to regularly consume small amounts. Try eating five to six mini-meals throughout the day. This method helps keep blood sugar levels stable and energy levels up and staves off the “everything but the kitchen sink” hunger level.
  7. Practice the 80/20 Rule. A third strategy is to make the healthiest choices possible 80 percent of the time. This goal gives you permission to include all foods in your diet. You’ll benefit from variety, while reducing feelings of deprivation. This could equate to one cheat day a week where you eat what you want.
  8. Focus on Nutrient Density. Make nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes the mainstay of your diet.
  9. Regularly monitor your weight and body composition.  Weigh yourself daily (or weekly) at the same time of day each day (morning is best).  Periodically monitor your body fat% so that you can evaluate what kind of weight you are losing (body fat vs muscle) and modify you exercise and diet program accordingly. 
For accurate and reliable body composition measures and metabolic analysis (to determine your individual calorie needs) visit the Fit Stop Human Performance Lab for state of the art evaluation and consultation by an exercise physiologist.  For more information go or call 760-634-5169 or email 

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