Monday, August 20, 2012

Zone 3 (Tempo)

This zone is at or just below anaerobic threshold (AT). Zone 3 training helps to improve or enhance cardiovascular fitness while optimizing overall calorie expenditure. This is an ideal zone for increasing fitness and endurance performance. This zone represents a moderate to high exercise intensity level where slight increases in the anearobic threshold and enhanced aerobic energy pathways are included in the training effect. Here aerobic and metabolic fitness (muscle endurance) are improved. Exercise in this zone will focus on maintaining a maximum steady state workout that can include tempo workouts and long intervals. With an appropriate progression plan, these max steady state levels can be maintained for 20-60 minutes.

A rating of perceived exertion (RPE) between 4 and 6
85-92% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) or
91-99% of your heart rate at the anearobic threshold (AT)
Breathing begins to get more labored while pace is getting uncomfortable but doable for over an hour.

Here is some example graphical depictions of zone 3 workouts:

Step-up to zone 3 = Follow an interval pattern to adjust to new zone 3 intensity.  Add 1-2 minutes to each up-interval every week.

Higher fit = Adjust intensity of exercise to maintain work rate within Zone 3 for prescribed interval duration (5-45 minutes). Objective here is comfort at higher steady state. Benefits include improved power at moderate intensities, better fuel utilization, aerobic efficiency and some improvement in anaerobic threshold. 

Higher fit = Adjust intensity of exercise to maintain heart rate within Zone 3 for prescribed mileage/duration. Objective here is maintaining an appropriate tempo. Benefits include improved fuel utilization, increased muscle glycogen (stored energy) storage capacity, increased capacity for more intense workouts and improved aerobic efficiency.

Sample Zone 3 training sessions:

·     Running (these can be modified for use on the stair stepper, cross trainer and elliptical machines)

o    Keep heart rate in Zones 1-3 on a rolling course. 'PROUD' form. Allow heart rate to gradually rise to zone 3 as pace builds, but don't force it up.
o    Long repeats 1600 meters (1 mile) x 3 in zone 3 with recovery for the same time it takes to do repeats.
o    Tempo intervals (race pace)
-        ½ marathon = 400-2000 meters with equal time in recovery
-        Marathon = 800-3200 meters with equal time in recovery
o     Steady state intervals (40-60 min.) on road or with long steady climbs or tempo (race pace) workouts at ½ marathon pace.
o    Fartlek training for 30-40 minutes (2-4 intervals).
o    Crisscross threshold training. Choose a flat course. Warm-up and then run 20 minutes in Zone 3. Crisscross from high Zone 2 to Zone 3 every 1-2 minutes.
·     Cycling
o    Ride on rolling course. Big chain ring. Most of ride time in heart rate zone2-3. Seated on most hills.
o    Cruize intervals on road or trainer. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 minutes in zone 3 with 2 minute recoveries. Smooth pedaling, 80-90 rpm’s, Aero position.
o    Threshold or Tempo ride for 25-60 minutes steady in zone 3. Non-stop. Smooth pedaling – 85-100 rpm’s.
o    Criss-cross threshold training. Choose a flat course. Warm-up and then ride 30-40 minutes in zone 3. Criss-cross from low zone 2 to high zone 3 every 2-3 minutes. 85-100 rpm’s.
o    Hilly course with long climbs. Stay in the heart rate Zones 2-4 on hills. No anaerobic. Do not force the effort on hills. Hold back some on climbs. Mostly seated on climbs. (May be done on indoor trainer.)

If you are unable to get tested in the lab you can estimate your zones by going online to…

Lactate Threshold Tester (estimator) at or 
I can help you set-up your zones online at

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